Message Regarding COVID-19

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At Pravada, the health and wellbeing of our customers, employees, and partners are of the utmost importance. Our facilities in the USA and Canada are Good Manufacturing Practices compliant and strictly follow FDA and Health Canada guidelines. 

We follow strict quality guidelines for production, packaging and shipment of cosmetic products. During the current situation with COVID-19, we are keeping the same standards ensuring a clean and healthy working environment. We also want to inform you of the additional precautions we are taking at this time: Limiting External Exposure: Until further notice, we will no longer be allowing non-essential visitors into our facilities.

Extended Overtime and Additional Sick Days Available to Our Staff: We are actively working with our staff to ensure they feel supported and comfortable in placing the health and safety of themselves and their families first. We hope this will in-turn limit the exposure of any illness to the rest of our staff, and minimize the possibility of us having to take any drastic measures.

Automatic Closure if Contraction Does Occur: Should the unfortunate incident occur that a member of our staff does test positive for COVID-19, we would ensure the immediate closure of that facility for a minimum of 2 weeks and advise all of our staff to self-quarantine during that period. Also, we would have the facility professionally sanitized and ensure that all employee health is monitored closely before re-opening our doors.

Alternative Production Options Available: Should the above incident occur, we do have contingency plans in place. We have facilities in both the US and Canada so if one is forced to close, we will be able to leverage the other to work on high-priority orders. Additionally, in the US office we have arranged for a skeleton crew to remain on standby; they would be able to step in after sanitization to provide some relief. Contingency Planning for Product & Packaging Shortages: We are in the process of reviewing all in-house orders and ask that you inform us of the prioritization of the order to your business.

Additionally, as you are likely aware, the materials used in our production come from a variety of manufacturers and suppliers world-wide, who may also be experiencing delays due to closures. We are working closely with our largest suppliers to ensure that we keep enough stock to not be affected, however, we want to be transparent that there is a possibility of closures and/or delays. We ask at this time that you provide us with the priority of your orders and any insights into your forecasts so that we can best prepare ourselves to assist you. As we all continue to monitor the situation closely, we will adjust our policies and practices as needed, and continue to offer updates.

We are prepared to navigate these challenging circumstances with everyone’s safety in mind. Thank you for being a part of our community and for your continued support. We appreciate your patience and understanding in these uncertain times. Please feel free to reach out to your Project Consultant with questions, concerns or feedback.

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